Lusterville and Lobsters

A Collection of Travels, Musings, and Literature.

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Buy a hat. Give a hat.

Buy one. Give one. Love Your Melon, a new company started by two college kids at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota, began on a simple philosophy: a purchased hat by the consumer also donates a hat to a child with cancer. Simple, right? Buy a hat. Give a hat. It’s a win-win situation to make a difference in the world.

The idea that started in a class soon grew into a fully-established nonprofit organization that’s sold more than 40,000 hats, which also means 40,000 children have also received hats.

The hats, made in America, are high-quality and comfy.

Warning: these products sell out within hours! If you see something you like, buy it right then or else it will be gone. They also sell t-shirts, baseball caps, beanies, scarves, and more for all tastes and areas around the globe.

I love that this foundation is so close to home. The hats are often delivered in the hospital by superheroes — who are heroes inside and out — and love what they are doing. Their commitment to the kids is wonderful. It’s great to see the kids’ smiling faces from under a Love Your Melon hat.

If you are interested in helping, check out the Ambassadors page where you can find information about helping raise awareness of this program and donations in your area. Check and see if your college or high school is on there! You can also make a gift if you don’t have any ambassadors in your area or start your own crew today.

2015-02-28 08.10.12 Continue reading